Ever Wanted to Grow Sweet Potatoes?
In my region, southeast Ohio, we start ours in January.
There are over 400 different varieties of sweet potatoes. Sweet Potatoes are different from your normal potato, as they love the hot Summer heat. Most Potato varieties die off in the summer heat, but hot summer is when your Sweet Potatoes will thrive. Sweet potatoes are remarkably nutritious and versatile. Each root is rich in vitamins A and C, along with many important minerals.
The most popular varieties for Northern home gardens are Beauregard and Georgia Jet.
It will take roughly 90 to 170 days from planting to harvest, depending on the variety and remember the plants are extremely frost sensitive. In some parts of the country, that means starting your plants indoors about six to 12 weeks before your area's projected last frost date in the spring to have a long enough growing season.
In my region, southeast Ohio, we start ours in January.
It's best to plant root sprouts, called slips, which are available from nurseries and mail-order suppliers. Or you can grow your own, by saving a few roots from your previous crop or by buying untreated roots (store-bought sweet potatoes are often waxed to prevent sprouting). I usually save one or two of my own or purchase a couple of the tubers from Amish produce stands near me.
The only method to generate slips I’ve ever used is this:
Put 3 toothpicks in the fatter end of the sweet potato,
Place the sweet potato in a mason jar with water making sure part of the sweet potato is covered by the water.
Shoots will sprout, and when they reach 6 to 9 inches long, twist them at the end going into the potato until they twist loose.
Put the slips into water until they grow a root of at least 2-3 inches.
To create the perfect growing environment, build long, wide, 10-inch-high ridges spaced 3½ feet apart. (A 10-foot row will produce 8 to 10 pounds of potatoes.) Work in plenty of organic compost, avoiding nitrogen-rich fertilizers that produce lush vines and stunted tubers. In the North we cover the raised rows with black plastic to keep the soil warm and promote strong growth.
Plant in full sun 3 to 4 weeks after the last frost when the soil has warmed. Make holes 6 inches deep and 12 inches apart. Bury slips up to the top leaves, press the soil down gently but firmly, and water well.
If you're not using black plastic, mulch the vines two weeks after planting to smother weeds, conserve moisture, and keep the soil loose for root development. Occasionally lift longer vines to keep them from rooting at the joints, or they will put their energy into forming many undersized tubers at each rooted area rather than ripening the main crop at the base of the plant. Otherwise, handle plants as little as possible to prevent wounds that might be invaded by disease spores.
If the weather is dry, provide one inch of water a week until two weeks before harvesting, then let the soil dry out a bit. Don't over water, or the plants - which can withstand dry spells better than rainy ones - may rot.
You can harvest as soon as leaves start to yellow, but the longer a crop is left in the ground, the higher the yield and vitamin content. Once frost blackens the vines, however, tubers can quickly rot.
Use a spading fork to dig tubers on a sunny day when the soil is dry. Remember that tubers can grow a foot or more from the plant, and that any nicks on their tender skins will encourage spoilage. Dry tubers in the sun for several hours, then move them to a well-ventilated spot and keep at 85 to 90 degrees for 10 to 15 days. After they are cured, store at around 55 degrees, with a humidity of 75 to 80 percent.
I do love sweet potatoes!
Yummy recipe and great advice on growing. Is “honey maple” a mix of maple syrup and honey? Thanks!