Jive Turkeys & Social Justice Warriors
“You can’t be on the defensive all the time. Be on the offensive, like me. I’m the most offensive person in the world.”
I think if I read another story where a priceless painting has been damaged by people who then glue themselves to it, or to the floor, or to some other inanimate object, in protest about something, I am going to have to write viciously about I.Qs and protesters.
This is a protest now?
Take a close look at the “Environmental activists” in the above photo. They are what we call Social Justice Warriors (SJW) (a person who is overly enthusiastic about, and who promotes socially progressive views). What are they wearing? Clothes produced and delivered using fossil fuel. Shouldn’t they be wearing deer pelts or something similar?
What about the jewelry? What do they know about mining and how precious metals are acquired? Should the jewelry be replaced with rocks, feathers and bones?
How about that can of soup they used to defile the Monet painting? The soup was produced and delivered using fossil fuel. Diesel tractors were used to grow the tomatoes and a lengthy chain of processing went into making the can. And let’s not forget about the production of the label.
Why does throwing commercially canned soup at a historically important piece of Art register with these two as significant?
Did they use money to buy the can of soup?
How did they get to the museum?
“Art or life?” Just a little dramatic don’t you think?
Sure the “protest” gets them attention, but don’t they realize people say “that was stupid “?
I did.
In the 1970’s there was a TV show where the main character was someone who would be in very much trouble with the SJWs today. That character would be George Jefferson, from the sitcom (situation comedy) The Jeffersons which ran for ten years, 1975 to 1985.
His favorite phrase “Jive Turkey”, was an individual who was prone to exaggerating the truth greatly, who made empty promises or was an outright liar.
George always said exactly what he meant, even if it offended. In giving dating advice he once said “You can’t be on the defensive all the time. Be on the offensive, like me. I’m the most offensive person in the world.”
Being offended, out of context, is often what we see with modern SJWs these days.
SJWs are people who believe they are always right and usually are fresh off their first course in gender studies or something similar.
They think they’ve figured out the world and demand you to shut up and listen to their wisdom.
SJWs come in all shapes and sizes and will protest at the drop of a hat over climate issues, racial issues, LGBTQIA+ issues, inequity issues, often without understanding the issue, or ever considering it from all points of view.
They are offended easily.
Being offended is an “activity” that uses a lot of time and energy and if you’re always offended, you ‘re always going to be exhausted.
There are a few things in life worth being offended about, but I guarantee you, there’s not one hundred or fifty or even ten things.
Because behind every one thing you are offended about are shortcomings you probably have personally.
The shortcomings might be a general lack of education, (as in history, religion, world culture, science); or it might be a lack of empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) or context (an understanding of the history) behind a given situation.
This can make one feel anxious.
The word “offended” today, gets back to the definition of “diversity”, that was taught to our younger generations, these current SJWs.
Successfully assessing, judging, another person should never involve superficial definitions. Without experience and context, jumping to the rescue on behalf of a light understanding of the science of weather and climate or on behalf of race, gender, religion or any other identity, is an empty pursuit unless you have a deeper understanding of the topics.
Let’s examine three words:
Diversity. Tolerance. Inclusion.
These three words are the trinity of Social Justice Warriors, brought to you by the public school system. They are the mantra (statement or slogan repeated frequently) of the Social Justice Warrior.
While these three words can be big words when used appropriately, they are used quite frequently these days as linguistic weapons, to silence, to control, to convert. How’s that for a trinity?
From the Oxford dictionary: Di•ver•sit•y Noun. The state of being diverse; variety.
When you’ve been taught diversity means “variety” such as: gender, race, Religion, age, sexual orientation and nationality, you’re going to be socially confused most of the time.
It takes a lot of work to sort through all of those identifying qualities before judging a person. But that is what is required these days, especially with such contemporary cultural emphasis placed on those words.
The definition of “diversity” that is taught and socially embraced contains superficial judging words, and they are superficial by design.
One is taught to embrace only one viewpoint of weather and climate science. Also, one is taught to embrace certain qualities and characteristics of gender, race, Religion, age, sexual orientation and nationality by rote (repetition of something to be learned) learning using “acceptable” qualifiers at a superficial level.
Rote learning is similar to brainwashing.
Superficial understanding is for children.
When superficial definitions are given to a word with a larger concept, it is difficult for the student to comprehend there may be a more grown up definition for the word.
It’s funny; usually the people preaching about “diversity and tolerance” today are very hypocritical when it comes to who and what they tolerate and whom they include.
They are today’s “Jive Turkeys”.
Recent college graduates these days only have a superficial understanding of diversity and an even lesser understanding about the science of climate and weather.
“Diversity” is one of those words that can be difficult to teach, especially when you get into the arena of real thought. It is much easier to think about the color of a person, their religion, where they are from and what is or isn’t between their legs than what they think and why.
If diversity is just the identity of a person or group, then there will also be memorized examples of what is acceptable and what is not. If the person or group fits the acceptable parameters then they can be tolerated and included.
What if we changed that superficial definition to the following definition?
Di•ver•sit•y Noun. A variety of thoughts and beliefs; they all matter and they are all worth considering, regardless of identity.
What does that new definition do to the aforementioned definition of “tolerance”?
It certainly makes the idea of diversity open ended and blows the memorized examples of what can be tolerated out of the water doesn’t it?
You might actually have to think to tolerate and include.
Today, “tolerance” is no longer the idea that every American citizen has the same rights and personal freedoms. The word “tolerance” today requires that the superficial labels of “diversity” be applied first.
Therefore, changing the definition of “diversity” to our new definition, to what the word actually means, would change how the brain processes the word “tolerance” wouldn’t it? Tolerance would become a lot harder as you would need to be able to critically think in order to tolerate and include. In critically thinking, you might realize you’re no longer offended.
It’s a tough life being offended by everything.
If you’re no longer offended all of the time, you might feel less anxious. If you no longer feel anxious don’t you think you might feel less exhausted?
Who knows, you might find out you’re happy.
Thank you for your thoughtful words. Buzz words, instead of more careful analysis, seem to be the norm today.
They are not warriors, they are gutless NAZIs.
If they want to throw a can of Campbell's soup at some art it would be more appropriate to attack Andy Warhol's work on that subject.
Always attacking what others have done, said or think. When are they going to contribute to society?
Communists call the useful idiots and that sums them up perfectly.
Tell them to get a job and use their money to create their own world as they like it and leave us to our own devices.
ACC is a scam and thousands of scientists have written to expose it, but these morons have been drinking the Kool aid from their Communist teachers and have no idea how to check to see if the theory even works. I have and it doesn't, not even historically.