One small nit that boomers aren't to blame. You've been in congressional power since the early 80s. You've held the presidency since 1992...and nothing changed. So as a Millenial (1981, and certainly not this 'triggered' generation idea) I have to say that there's a lot of ability to point fingers, but at a certain point, someone has to do something differently.
What's interesting in looking at the history of the New Deal is just how close we came to becoming a socialist country under FDR. If it hadn't been for our G.I.s seeing socialism up close, I think we would have tipped. The only thing that saved the US from socialism was WWII.
Boomers have not held congressional power since the 80’s.
Between 1983 and 2008, Boomer population in the House of Representatives was 46.3%, in the Senate 28.3%. There were 2 Boomers (WBush, Clinton) and 2 greatest generation (GI) presidents. (Reagan, HBush)
From 2009 to 2020 Boomer population in the House of Representatives was 55.8%, in the Senate 59.4%. In that time frame there was 8 years of Gen X (Obama) 4 years Boomer (Trump) and now Joe Biden of the Silent generation.
The reason I chose 1984-2008 time block was
Feb. 12, 2008: Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, the first boomer to apply for Social Security retirement benefits, received her first monthly benefit payment.
This is when the supposed “drain” on the system began. This was also 24 years into the “surplus” created by the 1984 “fix”.
We all know, it is Congressional leadership that steers which bills get the green light. Between 1984 and 2023 there have been 2 Boomer speakers of the house, Newt Gingrich and John Boehner. Both Republicans. In Senate leadership there have been 3 Boomers in leadership, Thomas A. Daschle(D) , William H. Frist (R) and Charles (Chuck) E. Schumer (D).
Boomers haven’t had Congressional control as many have been led to believe. It’s Congressional leadership that decides which bills and laws go through the process. Boomers have had 2 Speakers and 3 Senate leaders and three presidents since 1984. The Silent Generation, the Greatest Generation and now Generation X have had a whole lot more control over the Social Security issue than Boomers have
There is a database of government representatives (only goes to 2020) you can query to obtain the data I found (which is listed below):
Representatives of the 98th to the 110th Congress years 1983-2008 were silent generation (1928-1945) 42.6%, greatest generation GI (1901 to 1927) 6.7% , generation X (1965- 1980) 4.3% lost generation (1883 to 1900) 0.1% or 53.7%.
Boomers were at 46.3%.
Senators of the same time frame silent generation 53.9%, greatest generation 16.6%, generation X 0.9% or 71.4%.
Boomers 28.6%.
Presidents in same timeline Boomers 61.5%, greatest generation 38.5%. (Reagan, Bush, Bush, Clinton)
Representatives of the 111th to the current Congress years 2009-2020 were silent generation (1928-1945) 9.4%, greatest generation (1901 to 1927) 0.1% , generation X (1965- 1980) 33.5%, Millennial 1.2% or 44.2n %.
Boomers were at 55.8%.
Senators of the same time frame silent generation 19.3%, greatest generation 1.3%, generation X 20.0% or 40.6%.
Boomers 59.4 %.
Presidents in same timeline Boomers 20%(Trump) generation X 80% (Obama)
Speakers of the House of Representatives
Tip O'Neill D 1977- 1987 GI
Jim Wright D 1987- 1989 GI
Tom Foley D 1989- 1995 Silent
Newt Gingrich R 1995-1999 Boom
Dennis Hastert R 1999-2007 Silent
Nancy Pelosi D 2007-2011 Silent
John Boehner R 2011-2015 Boom
Paul Ryan R 2015-2019 Gen X
Nancy Pelosi D 2019-2023 Silent
Kevin McCarthy R 2023- current Gen X
Senate Leaders
Howard H. Baker (R-TN) 1981 -1985 Silent
Robert H. Dole (R-KS) 1985 – 1987 GI
Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) 1987-1989 GI
George J. Mitchell (D-ME) 1989 -1995 Silent
Robert H. Dole (R-KS) 1995 – June 11, 1996 GI.
Trent Lott (R-MS) June 12, 1996 – 2001 Silent
Thomas A. Daschle (D-SD) 2001 – 2003 Boom
William H. Frist (R-TN) 2003 – 2007 Boom
Harry M. Reid (D-NV) 2007 – 2015 Silent
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 2015 – 2021 Silent
Charles (Chuck) E. Schumer (D-NY) 2021-current Boom
Interesting overview. I didn't realize that the add-ons to Social Security went all the way back to 1939.
This was a fun newsletter to research. There was a whole lot I didn’t realize!
Very interesting!
One small nit that boomers aren't to blame. You've been in congressional power since the early 80s. You've held the presidency since 1992...and nothing changed. So as a Millenial (1981, and certainly not this 'triggered' generation idea) I have to say that there's a lot of ability to point fingers, but at a certain point, someone has to do something differently.
What's interesting in looking at the history of the New Deal is just how close we came to becoming a socialist country under FDR. If it hadn't been for our G.I.s seeing socialism up close, I think we would have tipped. The only thing that saved the US from socialism was WWII.
A great book on the topic is New Deal or Raw Deal
Boomers have not held congressional power since the 80’s.
Between 1983 and 2008, Boomer population in the House of Representatives was 46.3%, in the Senate 28.3%. There were 2 Boomers (WBush, Clinton) and 2 greatest generation (GI) presidents. (Reagan, HBush)
From 2009 to 2020 Boomer population in the House of Representatives was 55.8%, in the Senate 59.4%. In that time frame there was 8 years of Gen X (Obama) 4 years Boomer (Trump) and now Joe Biden of the Silent generation.
The reason I chose 1984-2008 time block was
Feb. 12, 2008: Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, the first boomer to apply for Social Security retirement benefits, received her first monthly benefit payment.
This is when the supposed “drain” on the system began. This was also 24 years into the “surplus” created by the 1984 “fix”.
We all know, it is Congressional leadership that steers which bills get the green light. Between 1984 and 2023 there have been 2 Boomer speakers of the house, Newt Gingrich and John Boehner. Both Republicans. In Senate leadership there have been 3 Boomers in leadership, Thomas A. Daschle(D) , William H. Frist (R) and Charles (Chuck) E. Schumer (D).
Boomers haven’t had Congressional control as many have been led to believe. It’s Congressional leadership that decides which bills and laws go through the process. Boomers have had 2 Speakers and 3 Senate leaders and three presidents since 1984. The Silent Generation, the Greatest Generation and now Generation X have had a whole lot more control over the Social Security issue than Boomers have
There is a database of government representatives (only goes to 2020) you can query to obtain the data I found (which is listed below):
Representatives of the 98th to the 110th Congress years 1983-2008 were silent generation (1928-1945) 42.6%, greatest generation GI (1901 to 1927) 6.7% , generation X (1965- 1980) 4.3% lost generation (1883 to 1900) 0.1% or 53.7%.
Boomers were at 46.3%.
Senators of the same time frame silent generation 53.9%, greatest generation 16.6%, generation X 0.9% or 71.4%.
Boomers 28.6%.
Presidents in same timeline Boomers 61.5%, greatest generation 38.5%. (Reagan, Bush, Bush, Clinton)
Representatives of the 111th to the current Congress years 2009-2020 were silent generation (1928-1945) 9.4%, greatest generation (1901 to 1927) 0.1% , generation X (1965- 1980) 33.5%, Millennial 1.2% or 44.2n %.
Boomers were at 55.8%.
Senators of the same time frame silent generation 19.3%, greatest generation 1.3%, generation X 20.0% or 40.6%.
Boomers 59.4 %.
Presidents in same timeline Boomers 20%(Trump) generation X 80% (Obama)
Speakers of the House of Representatives
Tip O'Neill D 1977- 1987 GI
Jim Wright D 1987- 1989 GI
Tom Foley D 1989- 1995 Silent
Newt Gingrich R 1995-1999 Boom
Dennis Hastert R 1999-2007 Silent
Nancy Pelosi D 2007-2011 Silent
John Boehner R 2011-2015 Boom
Paul Ryan R 2015-2019 Gen X
Nancy Pelosi D 2019-2023 Silent
Kevin McCarthy R 2023- current Gen X
Senate Leaders
Howard H. Baker (R-TN) 1981 -1985 Silent
Robert H. Dole (R-KS) 1985 – 1987 GI
Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) 1987-1989 GI
George J. Mitchell (D-ME) 1989 -1995 Silent
Robert H. Dole (R-KS) 1995 – June 11, 1996 GI.
Trent Lott (R-MS) June 12, 1996 – 2001 Silent
Thomas A. Daschle (D-SD) 2001 – 2003 Boom
William H. Frist (R-TN) 2003 – 2007 Boom
Harry M. Reid (D-NV) 2007 – 2015 Silent
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 2015 – 2021 Silent
Charles (Chuck) E. Schumer (D-NY) 2021-current Boom