Very interesting! I thoroughly enjoyed this.

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As a former Physics teacher I tried to get my students to challenge everything.

That is the essence of science.

Never settle for settled science.

Your children have a good grounding of how to test their beliefs.

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A lot of it revolves around the fact that it never was about science. It was about belief.

As I like to say, religion of more of a pscyhology than a theology and people have turned 'science' into a religion (which is why it can be settled.)


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Man makes religions to suit his desires.

God is eternal and does not change.

People believe in the tooth fairy, Easter bunny and Santa Clause that are all lies.

If you believe the truth then it will set you free from the lies.

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Actually, Santa Claus has a lot more in common with Jesus than you may think!


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We all have things in common, but that does not make us the same. Jeshua fulfilled the Law, healed the sick, cast out demons, made the blind see and the deaf and dumb to speak and hear, stilled the storm, fed thousands with a few loaves and fish, exposed liars, died and rose again after just over two days and then ascended into heaven in front of many witnesses. Nicolas was a generous man to some children in his town and preached the gospel. He like all of us was born in sin and sinned every day of his life in the eyes of God.

If you look at some of the European "Santas" you might find they compare better with Satan.

You are talking about the historical Nicolas, but most people get their ideas from TV, movies, advertisements, etc. Then you see a guy flying around the world in one night in a sleigh with reindeer for an engine. Tell me that is not a lie.

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I can empathize with you. I've been in your exact position. But you've utterly missed the point and it is clear that you haven't read either of the two essays I linked.

Going down a theological discussion isn't going to be helpful because it's not about theology, it's about psychology. What Collette is talking about isn't a lack of Christianity, it's an explosion of atheistic religion.

(and FYI, Satan is a myth that doesn't exist in the old testament. Ha Satan, communed with YHVH and acted as more of a prosecuting attorney ensuring righteousnes. Satan, as you used it, and the concept of souls is borrowed from the Mystry religions, specifically the Dyonesus Cult of Souls)

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I believe the bible is the perfect word of God in the original languages, but of course there have been many translations and each person has their own bias, so we need to read it in the original languages if you want to avoid this problem.

If you want to state things as you have then you will only be able to convince me of your theories by quoting the passages you are relying on.

I am not interested in the religions of men (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, psychology, Climate Change, "The Science", vaccines, etc.) only God and His word.

Satan, the devil or "the Satan" does exist in the OT and was first spoken of as the serpent in Genesis 3 and later alluded to in Ezekiel 28: 11-15 when prophesying Tyre's fall. He tempted Yeshua in the desert after He had fasted for 40 days. He is called a murderer and the father of lies (John 8: 44). Being the accuser of the elect is not a work of righteousness, but of strife. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5: 8). Revelation 12 and 20 also feature Satan. There are also many demons that Yeshua cast out of many people.

You cannot ignore these passages unless you dismiss the bible and its testimony of the life, death and resurrection of the Messiah completely. If that is your position then we will never find a common ground to discuss these things.

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If you aren't reading it in the original pictographic alphabet then you are at best reading the

Masoretic Text compiled during the Babylonian Exile and subject to the documentary hypothesis as well as clearly missing the books as idenfied in the OT.

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I didn’t think religion was settled either. There may be static books, like the bible, but I believe religion evolves too. Though I get what you’re saying.

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I agree, religion, especially Christianity, never was, or is settled. But when you ask a Chrisitan, of any of the 2000 different types, it's 'clearly settled' :)

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