I am almost off grid. In fact my electricity supplier owes me money every month.

I have a small farm with a variety of food supplies that I can take care of myself with enough left over to feed the locals if they need it.

I need to build up some areas and drill a well to be fully there, but I do have the plans and the finance, its just a matter of time.

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We’re off grid too. It’s a good way to go!

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There's so many layers here to tease apart. The New Deal was one of the worst death blows for small farmers where it became more profitable to get paid to NOT farm. Great book on the topic is:

New Deal or Raw Deal

Another topic full of factory farm shenanigans is about the water wars and irrigation catastrophes out west called

Cadillac Desert.

I'm currently apply Drylands Water Harvesting techniques in my property on Arizona and working to rebuild native grasses for grazing and water retention to grow fruit trees. That book is fantastic.

And lastly, the entire concept burning it all to the ground over climate change ignores something very important. All of these restrictions are based on an arbitrarily determined temperature and CO2 level. I say this because plant life is optimized for 1000-1200ppm of CO2. CO2 is a fertilizer for plants, not a pollutant. More on that here:


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Good information!

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Thank you for your excellent, albeit depressing, article. It reminds me of the NJ single-use plastic bag ban which I felt was long overdue. However, the gov't failed to take into consideration the number of shoppers that pick up their groceries that have already been packed by store employees in re-usable bags that can not be returned for a second use, and will certainly be piling up in landfills. This is a popular convenience where we live. I may check out the composting book that you suggest. We have been composting for years, but not that efficiently.

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When we were in full swing operation mode I got into Vermiculture (the process of garden composting using worms). Fun little critters.

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