You can gain an incredible education by studying anywhere in the world except in a school building. As a Millennial, parenting children today, I highly recommend homeschooling to you.
Kudos to you for recognizing the public school system for the indoctrination centers they are…. AND…. Having the courage to act on it. They tried to convince me my son was ADHD and in need of prescription drugs. While I knew that wasn’t true, and never filled the scrips - I didn’t have what it took to homeschool. It is one of those things, that if I had it to do over again, I would do differently. Enjoyed this column very much!
Thank you for sharing such a unique, insightful article about the advantages of homeschooling—solid, practical advice. Given the current state of the K-12 school system, it's becoming more common for parents (who can schedule) to teach their children at home or even form "homeschool pods" with like-minded parents.
Kudos to you for recognizing the public school system for the indoctrination centers they are…. AND…. Having the courage to act on it. They tried to convince me my son was ADHD and in need of prescription drugs. While I knew that wasn’t true, and never filled the scrips - I didn’t have what it took to homeschool. It is one of those things, that if I had it to do over again, I would do differently. Enjoyed this column very much!
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing such a unique, insightful article about the advantages of homeschooling—solid, practical advice. Given the current state of the K-12 school system, it's becoming more common for parents (who can schedule) to teach their children at home or even form "homeschool pods" with like-minded parents.
Thank you.