Physicists love getting answers that they know are right due to the way they measure everything, e.g. 1 + 1 = 2 always works, unlike Biology where you don't know anything for sure.

We are all gifted in some way as we were created by God for a purpose and we know He doesn't make any junk.

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My wife teaches Kindergarten up to age 7 and she always starts the day with an audio recording and a chart of Phonics that the children read along with the recording. She is also trained in reading recovery for children who have fallen behind and has done the Grammar course too.

She loves books too and can hold a class full of normally noisy students quiet and spellbound as she reads stories to them. When I tried to read to our kids, they would have none of it. I could not make the different voices of the characters like mum did. All our children love reading too and they have never had a problem with grammar either as we would never allow a sentence to stand if it was not grammatically correct. Of course we would show them in a loving way by saying it correctly and even explaining why it is so.

I found my part with their maths. I used to teach Physics at our local High School until I gained my sanity. I also taught music, sports, agriculture, scripture, etc. as needed to fill my workload as school and at home.

When you love books and reading your children absorb your love as they empathize with you.

I know how little time each day a student in a school gets, of individual attention, correction, etc. and so it has always been my advice to home school whenever possible, especially considering the problems in schools today with CRT, grooming, serialization of minors, disrespect for our country and parents, allowing wrong answers, etc.

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Being able to read out loud and keep kiddos engaged is a gift, but being able to teach Physics is a gift as well. My students favorite subject was physics!

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Education can be so frustratingly trendy. I checked out one of the PDFs. The books must be beautiful based on the illustrations that I saw. Thanks for all the detailed information.

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The illustrations are very nice, there’s one on just about every page.

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My mother taught me how to read before kindergarten. My father put me to work in the garden when he caught me reading. A loving teacher plus forbidden fruit made reading even more enticing. Your son was lucky to have your support and attention. Not every child gets this from a parent, but if they are lucky they can get it from a teacher who they grow to love. I really believe that affection is the most important ingredient in learning.

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And enthusiasm!

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