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this is a good one, Collette.

Yesterday, being Veterans Day, .... the usual thoughts go through my head.

Our Military and our veterans get treated so shabby, crappy military bases, crappy housing, crappy medical... and here we go spending money on people flooding our country,

Who ever dreamed up this scheme needs to be punished

The first argument I heard was "well, who are you going to get to pick your lettuce for so cheap?"

That kind of sounds to me like slavery.... and if there really was a suffering past of humans that claim they deserve reparations for slavery, isn't this kind of acceptance of slavery?

Is the sole purpose to import humans illegally into this country to populate states and cities that are conservative so they can establish themselves and vote? Who thinks up this stuff?

It is evil, and slavery. Using humans just like pawns.

Do those pawns see the suffering of citizens and think, wow, good thing the government loves us. Hey lets go to Walmart and steal some stuff.

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