Great lists. I can probably do more on the men’s list than the woman’s list but am sadly lacking in both. I wish they’d never gotten rid of shop class, both my sons could have benefitted.

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A wonderful read!

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I relate to what you are saying. Many people don't seem to know that you can make popcorn without a microwave. There are a couple things on your gal list that I struggle with however, folding a fitted sheet neatly being one of them.

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I’m 61 and gave up folding fitted sheets. I usually just have one set, so once they’re out of the dryer, they go right back on the bed. If I have an extra set, they’re on a couple of hangars in the corner of my closet. Shameful of me! In my defense, I do also have 4 cats, so spreading a sheet out anywhere is challenging…

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But you do know how to fold fitted sheets! In the RV I don’t fold them anymore either. Two sets, one on the bed, the other rolled up and stowed with the rolled up towels.

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Thanks for your comment, I was pretty sure my lists would be questioned!!

I like that, popcorn without a microwave. I don’t have a microwave. We do popcorn on the wood stove in a cast iron dutch oven. Pretty quaint.

Each item teaches something (about ones self) beyond the obvious.

Folding fitted sheets teaches patience. With all of life’s distractions, this simple activity looks frivolous, but concentrating on it until it is mastered stokes patience. A little Zen in your day. And once it is mastered, your linen closet/space is more compact and you’re not looking at rolled up smashed down to fit on the shelf sheets which for some, can bring anxiety.

There’s lots of activities that teach patience, when I learned this one, many, many moons ago, I saw it in a paper magazine and it didn’t take just one try. And even after getting it right the first time, I had to review the process (in the paper magazine) the next time I had to fold sheets. With the internet, I’m sure it would be faster to find the process, but mastering it (from memory) probably will take just as long.

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